Compound Butters and Another Reason to Join the AmazingRibs Pitmaster Club
If you know me you know I am so thankful to and the members of the pitmaster club for sharing all their tips, tricks, trials, tribulations, and successes. I guarantee the return on your $25 investment will be very well worth it. You can join the pitmaster club here.
You can get fancy with your storage and thus your presentation by wrapping your butter in butcher paper and tying off the ends as shown in this image from The Pioneer Woman
Here is a very small example of a tidbit you will pick up. Compound butters are a great finishing element and can really set off a dish. How many times have your raved about a herb butter or garlic butter at a high end restaurant? Well you can do this at home too.
@Strat50 (click to see his profile page) recommends using the following herbs for these proteins:
Beef: savory herbs(thyme, rosemary, sage, etc.)
Chicken: 3 parts above savory herbs plus 1 part sweet herbs(tarragon, basil etc).
Pork: 3 parts savory, plus 2 parts sweet(I'm thinking dill here).
Fish: 3 parts sweet herbs, 1-2 parts savory herbs depending on usage.
All purpose Hickory butter: liquid smoke, herbs to suit protein served. This process adds great depth to your smoke flavor, plus a great finish.
Bring your butter to room temperature
Chop your herbs to the desired size
Put the butter in a mixing bowl and fold in the herbs (or other ingredients)
Transfer the compound butter into a storage container and put in the refridgerator.