Gunsmithing, Ministerial Services, Event Management, Wrestling Tournament Operations & Backyard Q

Rhino Droppings

Rhino Droppings started many years ago on Tumblr back when it was not full of naked female body builders. I always have found writing to be a great outlet to share thoughts, ideas and feelings. In this blog you may find entries varying from recipes, to thoughts, to shooting, hunting, fishing, cooking and more.

Posts tagged fueledbynature
My first morning on the ranch

The previous weekend I had passed on a very small doe on public land. I was really looking forward to having 180 acres to myself. Friday night my friend and I scoured and set up a ground blind underneath some pines adjacent to a pond. I had 80  yards to my right of clearing before the fence and wood line which marks the property line. To my left front I had 40 yards of clearing to the fence and woods. Sunrise at 7:21 and I was in the blind by 6:05 Saturday morning. About 6:20 a big doe came in from my left. She kept

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